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Diagnostic Tool


Diagnostic Tool - Form Details

User     Factors     Company-Main     Company-Class    Questionnaire    Evaluate    Diagnosis   


This form is to add / modify / delete users.
The User id is auto generated and will be used to protect copyrights (as per the number of users allowed).
Password is for providing an initial password which the user can change later. Check disable if you want to disable the user account for some time.The Approver can modify / delete the users but once a user has made some data entry / evaluation / approval he / she can not be deleted.



This form is for managing the factors of classification of companies.
The Factor Id is auto generated.
Unit of measure - is a combination, either the user can select from the list or enter in the same box, and once you enter, next time the entry will be shown in the drop down list.
Weightage - is a combination, either the user can select from the list or enter in the same box, but that entry won't be added to the list.
Range - The score / point range as per the Unit of measure to classify the company as A / B / C. For e.g. A factor is: Number of employees unit - number then range could be
Minimum Maximum
Class C 1 25
Class B 26 100
Class A 100 -
If a company has 50 workers then the tool will automatically assign it to Category B.
Tabular view - can be used to view multiple factors at a time or to see the details of any particular factor.



This form will be used to manage the basic data about company
Company ID - is auto generated
Classification - after the company-class form is completed, the tool will automatically calculate the class and display it in calculated class box. If the user wants to change it, he / she can enter it in assigned class (this will act as a manual override)



This form will be used to enter the response for classification factors (such as number of employees in the company). The details will be entered in the tabular grid - Factor Classification details.
Evaluator 1,2 - The approver will assign two users as the evaluators and only these two evaluators will be able to carry out the evaluation task described below in evaluation form.


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